Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to square one ... back to Waslala

Gener David Arauz Escoto

Exactly five weeks into his transition to independence, Gener made very bad decisions to travel down a path of destruction. His choices not only endangered his physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, they also put people who were trying to help him at risk of potential harm. He obviously does not have the skills, impulse control or moral fiber yet to make right choices. Though we hope one day he will make right choices, right now he’s in it for the thrill and does not think of consequences.

When we heard of his new-found habits and lifestyle, we sought counsel from trusted friends who know Gener and know his history. Everyone agreed he needed to return to Waslala. He has always known this would be the outcome if he continued to make bad choices. He may not have believed us, as pride, arrogance and a feeling of being 'above the law' rules his behavior – but he has to believe it now. We drove him to Waslala Friday evening, Sept 4. He has no one to blame but himself. Now he is looking at another set of circumstances: an incomplete education, no job, dirt floor, no electricity or running water, no indoor plumbing … and a dream (again) of a better life. Perhaps this will help him change and grow up, but it’s hard to say. Some people have to reach rock bottom in life before they will see the Truth, and Gener is one of those people. We pray that God will reach out to him and not let him fall into a greater darkness. That is our prayer, but the choice once again is his.

1 comment:

alimomof3ninas said...

Helen, i read something today that I can certainly relate to and it may be true of Gener as well regarding pride and recklessness and God wanting to bring us to the point of repentance and humility, "You can bend your knees or I can break your legs, but either way, you're going down!" OHHHH, how this has been true for me! I pray he sees reality sooner than later and sees how he is missing all that God has to offer him.
Serving Him,